Monday, November 16, 2009

These Things Before Me

Thank you for this bed; this carpet; this table; this fan; this glass of water; this pen and paper; this bathroom; this cell phone; this window; this air. All these things are privileges. Nothing earns me the right to have them. I have done nothing to deserve them. I do not know a day of hard labor. I don't know what it's like to be separated from my family. I know no great suffering and, yet, here they are: my bed; my glass of clean drinking water sitting beside me. Here are all these things I don't deserve. For that I am grateful. I am grateful to have a place to sleep, water to drink, air to breathe; my life. Thank you for this and an infinite amount more; for things I haven't written because they don't even occur to me because you don't know what you have until it's taken away. Thank you for opening my mind. May I never cease being grateful.

Subway Trains

Public transit is an amazing thing. Just sit and ride. Effortless. Efficient. Do I have to walk to my job interviews from Queens? Nope. Just hop on the subway and it does the work for me. I don't have to show up sweaty and aching because I had to walk countless miles. Amazing. Thank you. You're a life saver. May I never complain when there is a delay because without you, the delay would be far greater.


They are like an extension of the mattress and make sleeping more pleasant. From sawdust to down, they are stuffed with comfort. So comfort me tonight and may you grant me better sleep so that tomorrow I may better able experience the day.


Thank you for the ability to run. It forces fresh air deep into my lungs as I experience this rich landscape. It is meditative. It is relaxing. It opens me up to the world. By doing it, I am using my body; making it work together. In return, my body becomes stronger and healthier. It becomes synchronized. Just as it becomes synchronized with itself, I become synchronized with the world and all it takes are a few steps on the pavement. I have this incredible body which is capable of amazing, amazing things and I am thankful to be able to use it while I still have it. Happy running.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Things to be Thankful For

I am thankful that I have so many things to be thankful for. An infinite list that already exists in its entirety. I am merely drawing attention to a single thing in this particular moment. This infinite list exists, always, all around me. I can only practice seeing it more often. This practice IS life.

This Fan

Without it, I would be hot and sticky and sleep would become difficult to find. It blows the natural air, already existing, toward my body. The air molecules collide with the molecules that form my skin. My skin communicates and passes on its energy to the air, cooling it down. So thank you for blowing, fan. Thank you for sending billions upon billions of your oxygenated friends to meet me. Keep it up.


Thank you for dirt. You are the dirtiest dirt I know and you are the soil in which life is cultivated. Thank god we haven't paved the earth over and that you still exist and can be found everywhere. So what if I get a little on my shoes or pants. I say wear it as a badge of honor. I am walking around with a little earth on me. Blue Planet. So thank you. May I always carry a little bit of you with me wherever I go.


I am thankful for emptiness. I am thankful to be able to perceive endlessly; to never be filled; to let infinity pass through me like a breeze; to focus; to listen, to truly listen. May I never be full. Thank you.

Learning About Me

I am thankful to always be learning more about my body. I am inseparable from it and it grants me the ability to do everything I am able. I can tell it to run, lift, play a chord, hold a fork, shake a hand. But in everything I do, it tells ME something. These messages let me know more about this amazing vehicle I'm cruising through life in. So may I always be open to these messages and never cease to learn more about myself. Thank you for being my body. I'll do the best I can to take care of you.

Food to Eat

May I never cease to be grateful for what things I do have. I am thankful for the abundance of food that I have all around me. I do not feel the pangs of hunger because I can just walk over to the fridge and grab something to eat. Dinner is never IF I will eat but WHEN and WHERE. It has become so automatic that it's a chore to go to the grocery store. Every time I eat, I should look at the food before me and say "thank you." Thank you for feeding my body. Thank you for feeding my mind. Thank you that I don't know what going hungry is. May I let no morsel go unnoticed and may I never cease to be thankful.

The Way Things Are

May I always be content and never overrun by my emotions. I am thankful for the relationships I have and may I never try to force them into something they are not. They are beautiful as they truly are and need no mending. May I let them run their natural course. Thank you for being there for me and may I never take you for granted.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Days

I am truly thankful for these days I have to live. Each moment and each day truly is a gift. To not enjoy every minute of our lives is to be blind. To take a breath and not feel life itself is to ignore the truth: life is beautiful. We are beautiful. There are hard times; times when all we see is darkness. But they will pass. Slowly but surely, they will pass. We must only hang on, knowing, trusting that life will reveal itself through goodness; that these trials are only proceeded by life's true blessings; that they are mere clouds passing on a sunny day. So keep your eyes on the sky. It's a beautiful day out.

This Air

Thank you for feeding my body. Thank you for filling my lungs. Thank you for providing a breeze on a hot day. Thank you for allowing planes to float gently upon you. Thank you for carrying our voices. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being. May I breathe a little deeper.

My Joints

I am thankful for the mobility they give my body. They enable me to walk, play guitar, eat, shake hands, move. They make all my daily activities possible. So thank you, joints. Thank you for making me mobile. May you bend, rotate and swivel with ease. Keep it light.


It powers the lamp that allows me to read what I'm writing. It powers the fan that cools me and allows me to sleep. It powers my cell phone so I can talk to friends and loved ones when I call and listen when they do. It allows my food to be stored in the refrigerator. It powers these clocks; the t.v.; the remote control; my laptop that allows me to record music and write emails. The list is endless and it is all possible because electricity surges through these things and brings life to them. Thank you for lighting my way and keeping me cool.


They are the perfect fruit, wrapped especially for me. They provide energy for me. They give my body sustenance. They can power me through a workout. They give me energy so that I may use my body and experience everything it has to offer. They are cheap. They are delicious. They are abundant. What a beautiful fruit and a beautiful thing for them to exist. Thank you, Mother Nature. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Friend

I am thankful for my friend. She is a smart and capable person and I know she'll do well in anything she goes for. I am thankful for our conversations. I love talking to her and it helps me stay grounded while I could easily be swept away in this new city. I am glad things are going so well for her in her internship and all of her prospective internships. She is a good friend and I am thankful to be part of her life. May only good things find her and when the bad does, may she overcome it with ease and optimism. May her life be filled with love and contentment and may I only contribute positively to it. Be strong. Be healthy. And thank you.


You give me time to recuperate and to collect my thoughts. You give me more energy and help me perform better in all aspects of life. Thank you and may we all take it easy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Legs

I am thankful for my legs. I am thankful for the pain because it means I can walk. I can enjoy a fine day and explore a little more of this fine world we live in. Thank you. May we walk together for years to come.

Cell Phones

You are with me by my side everywhere I go. You allow me to instantly connect to job interviewers, taxis, missed friends, tow trucks and many more. You give me the time and wake me up in the morning. You connect me to the entire world. Make it so the person I've been wanting to talk to is right next to me, sitting by my side. You allow us to connect and recount our days. You give a person to the words. You give me a phonebook of connections; of voices; of people. So thank you. Though some connections will fade, I hope you allow the others to stay strong. May we never cease finding connections. Thank you.


Thank you for letting me tread around the world, city after city. Thank you for letting me walk the streets of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Palm Beach, and now, New York. Thank you for keeping my feet safe and healthy, allowing me to explore this magnificent earth we live in. Thank you for sticking by my side, good and bad. I hope we have many more miles together. Thank you.


I am thankful for sleep; for reenergizing me. I am thankful to be able to rest and relax. You allow my body to recuperate and prepare for tomorrow. You allow me to dream; to see worlds I'd have never otherwise imagined. You let me close my eyelids when all they want is to close. You let me rest my body when all it wants is to rest. You give me hope that tomorrow is a new day and I will make it mine. Thank you for allowing me to sleep. Good night and I'll see you tomorrow.


Thank you for this shelter. You keep me warm, dry and safe. Without you, I would be out in the cold, in the rain, subject to dangers and a lack of privacy. Here, I have a refrigerator, t.v., laptop, bed, shower, everything I could need. You keep me sheltered in this terrifying city and hide my fear. You also give me a chance to warm up to it by holding me; comforting me. Thank you for all you've given me. Thank you for keeping me off the streets. Thank you.

New Chapters

This is an exciting time. We are leaving our comfort zones and exploring what's in us by seeing what's out there. This transition is a success and a marker of many more to come. This space is unlimited and it's time to explore it. Thank you for what I've had and thank you for what is to come. May I always be open and receptive to new experiences.


I am thankful for feeling like I am a part of something and, more importantly, being a part of something. I am thankful for all my friends, family, acquaintances, past relationships and future ones. It is a pleasure to know you and you make life a beautiful thing. Without you I would be alone, have no one to talk to, smile at, laugh with, console or be consoled. So thank you for all of this. These years have been a pleasure and may we have many more to come.


This is a difficult thing to be grateful for, but in these difficult times, you realize how much you have with every goodbye. You realize how much these things mean to you. You realize just how much you have to be thankful for. Thank you that I should have anything to say goodbye to and that goodbyes can only lead to future hellos. So thank you for being there with me and may we meet again soon.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Friends

I am grateful for my friends; for every minute we've spent together and every minute yet to come. Sometimes I don't realize how lucky I am and that there isn't a single thing I should worry about as long as I am surrounded by them. I wish them only the best and utmost happiness and fortune in their lives. As our lives move on and diverge, may we never grow apart. It hurts to leave you guys, but I only hope to see you again and often; to recount the memories we've had and form new ones; to always have each other. I love you guys.

Friday, October 16, 2009

This Journal

You will talk to me when others won't. You are always open to communication. All I have to do is set my pen on the paper and we connect. When no one else will accept the charges, you pick up. So thank you. Thank you for always being willing to work things out. May others open up and may only love exist.


It cushions my steps and makes things much more comfortable. It's quieter and is just a pleasantly soft thing to step on. Thank you, carpet.


Thank you for giving people something to do. By giving simply two objects in an empty space and an elaborate objective, a game is created. You are simple, yet complicated. And you're fun.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Thank you for giving me a layer of protection and comfort; for preventing blisters; for keeping me warm; for absorbing sweat. They were a rare commodity at one point and meant the world to those who had them. So thank you for making my strides a little bit softer. Thank you for years of clothing my feet. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Thank you, Earth, for giving us a home. Thank you for your wind, your rain and your spectacular view of the sun. Thank you for your oceans. Thank you for your deserts. Thank you for life. Thank you for giving life. Thank you for being. Thank you for all you give us. Happy Earth Day.


Resolution would not be possible without it. Discussion builds trust and constructive ideas. It builds relationships and forms new ones. Only in open discussion are we able to understand each other. So thank you for bettering my understanding of this academic dilemma. Thank you for helping me understand the views and opinions of my friends. Thank you for allowing me to meet Diana, among others. Thank you for opening up communication. Thank you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Food I Eat

It exists in such an abundance that it is readily taken for granted. But I am thankful that all I have to do is drive my car down to Publix to pick up all the food I could want. I can sit with a full stomach while others roam the streets hungry or sit at home with their family and nothing on the dinner table. I am thankful that I have enough food to throw away what doesn't look or taste appealing. Food nourishes my body and gives it what it needs. Not everyone has that.

Some people starve. Some people die because they can't get enough to eat. Their lives end. No more experiences. No more conversations. No more sunny days. No more anything. And here I sit, sick of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Well, thank you for those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Thank you for having them at all, so that I may complain about them. Thank you for having enough food that I can get tired of it. I am grateful for every piece of fruit I eat. I am grateful for every glass of orange juice I drink. I am grateful for every plate of scrambled eggs I have. Thank you for letting me live.


I am thankful for generosity. I am thankful for people donating their time, effort, food, money, conversation, concern, rides, anything to any cause or person. It does not go unnoticed, so let me take this time to say thank you to every person who has looked after me, lent me a dollar, shared their lunch, given me a ride, given me a suggestion, taken the time to sit down with me and talk. From the bottom of my heart to the top, thank you. May your life be blessed by the kind gestures you've shown me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Communication Through Music

I am thankful to be able to communicate with music. Let us speak with images and sounds rather than words. I am glad to share my images and I am thankful for others sharing theirs.


For sleep; for having been given the time to recuperate and explore my mind.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


For having been given a day to experience.

My Eyes

They give me visions and show me the world. The world is dark when they are closed and it all is illuminated when they open each morning. May I never cease to be amazed. Thank you.

Jason Mraz

I am thankful for Jason Mraz. I am thankful for his positive influence on the world and his messages of love. He changes my mentality for the better. I am a more aware and grateful person because of him. His music is not only inspiring, but uplifting. He maintains a positivity that many lack and he radiates this outward. What better attitude to spread and pass on to others than love? I am grateful for his positive influence on me. I am grateful for his positive influence on others. He makes the world a better and more loving place. So thank you, Jason Mraz, for your music and your kindness. May you continue to radiate it with every pore of your body and may I, and every person on this earth, do the same.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am thankful for sunburns. It lets me know that the sun is still communicating with me. My back is a canvas to that magnificent stellar neighbor. He was simply saying hello and left a message. Well, Sun, I got the message and I thank you. Thank you for showing up everyday and shedding some light on our days. Thank you for making us cozy when our bones are chilled. Thank you for keeping an eye on us and keeping us in orbit. We owe you everything. I hope you enjoy your visit beyond our horizon. Don't stay too long. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you.

Days Off

I am thankful for days off; for time to get my head together; for time to let my mind explore, free from limitations and obligations. The work I do is important, but it's also important to retain a sense of self. It's important to indulge and allow yourself to be who you are. This is the most perfect form you could be. While we do have obligations and it is important to take care of them, it is equally important to find your form; find who you are. To cultivate it. To embrace it. Without days off, my mind would harden to stone and my heart would run dry. These times of explorations make me plastic and more open and able to accept everything around me. I am able to develop as a person, mentally, physically and spiritually, when given this time. It is my air; my water; my shelter. So thank you, those who allow me to have days of rest. I know some people do not have such a luxury. I am lucky. I am lucky to be able to sit around and write a song for four hours and not have to worry about making enough money to support my family. I am lucky to have the time to sit around and watch t.v. and not have to work. I am lucky to not have to work. To all these things and more I am grateful. Most of all, I am grateful for the time to be grateful. So thank you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am thankful for smiles. I am thankful for these nonverbal broadcasts of joy. I am thankful that smiling is contagious. If there's one thing that should be spread amongst ourselves, it is love and happiness. A smile can brighten a day. A smile is the easiest nonverbal communicator a person can project. Spread the smiles. Spread the joy. There are many beautiful things out there and a smile is one of them. It is selfless; un-self conscious. A smile is pure; a vision to a person's being. Let's show our beings more. In boundless smiles and joy, I thank you.

Meeting New People

I am thankful for new connections. It is a pleasure to get to know people and, by doing so, getting to know ourselves. There are as many different world views and experiences as there are people. The way my eyes perceive light and my ears, sound, is but one among six billion. We are an infinite palette of perception. We are truly remarkable creatures living in an incredible world. So why not let our eyes merge? Why not take a peek inside someone else's telescope. The world is a lonely place without other people. They are who we call to go out on the weekends; who we go to for help with school work; who we spend Christmas with; who we get stuck in traffic jams with and every single one of them is just as incredible as every other, including myself. It is a privilege to connect my world with others' and mix our paint brushes and see what kind of world we create. It is a pleasure to share visions and interconnect my life with those around me and I hope that our picture only continually expands. So thank you. It is a joy to know you and I only hope our connection may deepen with time.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


For curiosity. I am thankful for the ability to ask questions; to wonder. This is why I am able to fantasize and swim in my thoughts. This is why I am able to create movies in my mind; why I am able to inhabit a million different characters and gain the perspectives of a million more. I am able to see sounds and taste colors because I am able to ask "what if?". I can fly because I ask "why not?". I can step into another person's shoes to see what they see. To see what they see enables you to crawl deeper into your connection with the world. Curiosity is why anyone teaches and why anyone learns. Curiosity drives adventures and new experiences. Curiosity is what opens your mind and body to the world. We are not robots, but organic beings with a drive to question "what if?". We are driven to experiment. What sort of film will I create as I dream tonight? What sort of characters will I inhabit? What new perspectives will I be opened up to? Who knows. Perhaps I will not dream at all. But I am thankful to ask these questions. I am thankful that our minds are sponges and all they want to do is observe and see what happens and what they can make of it. So goodnight. Thank you for my sense of wonderment and may I never cease to be amazed.


For the sound of the wind blowing outside. It gives me comfort that although I'm stuck inside and my mind is filled with various stresses and preoccupations, the world moves on; nature lives; everything exists as it always has regardless of my ever fluttering emotions. It is solid and all powerful. We are in nature's hands. We cannot control the sun and the sun cannot help but rise. When the wind talks with the trees, we can only listen and be comforted by their conversation. So thank you, wind, nature, for constantly reminding me that I am a concrete part of the world, as integral as the waves, or the sunrise, or the breeze. We are all interconnected. Thank you for blowing and keep communicating with the trees. Maybe in my dreams I may join the conversation.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


For water. This incredible substance gives and sustains life. Without it, I could not exist; no biological being could exist. Water is our life source. It is our source of life. Water is a part of us and exists in every cell of our body. I am thankful that I have water in such an abundance. All I have to do is turn a knob and it pours out. I don't have to walk for miles and fill a bucket. I don't have to drink from puddles or contaminated rivers. I don't have to worry about not having enough water. It is all around me. As I write, I not only have a glass of water right next to me, but it is chilled with ice cubes. I am lucky to have this access to such a necessity to life. Thank you for powering my body. Thank you for refreshing me after a long run. Thank you for cleaning my body and sanitizing cities. Thank you for raining down upon us and quenching the earth. Thank you.

New Acquaintances

For new acquaintances. What a pleasure it is to get to know new people. An infinite number of experiences and life stories and we are able to share them with others. We are all one and I am grateful to get to know others around me. Let us all dance and experience what it is we are looking for. Be safe. Be courteous. Be you. Thank you.


For applause. Applause is a nonverbal communicator of appreciation. Thousands can show their gratitude by letting their hands meet and echoing across a stadium. It is a release of energy; a transference of energy; from the mind and heart, to the body, through space, to another heart and mind. We spread our joy and peace through applause. So thank you for thanking others. Thank you for letting them know that they, too, are a wonderful addition to creation. Thanks and keep on clapping.


For books. I am thankful that every person is able to communicate their thoughts and allow others to read them. I am thankful that we are allowed to read them. We have little to no censors to worry about. We are free to read as we choose. We are free to write what we choose. Countless ideas and sentiments have been expressed, adopted and understood through books. They teach us math, Hinduism, Japanese, astronomy, meditation, music theory. They are little pockets of knowledge, ready to be passed on to anyone willing to take a glance. They connect millions to an author and an author to millions. Thank you for this connection.


For music. You get me high. You take me places nothing else can. Through music, I can express myself in sadness, joy, anger, redemption, playfulness, eagerness, anything. It is an unlimited resource. Music creates me. I can only hope to get to know it better. I can only hope to keep it close to my heart and let it merge with me. Music is the fundamental moving force. We are music. The trees are music. The sun is music. I am music. Every cell is music. Every atom in our bodies and every atom in the universe is music. A world without music is not necessarily colorless, for we live on a magnificent planet, but a facet of existence would be gone. Thank you, music, for getting me through tough times. Thank you for giving me hope when nothing else could. Thank you for intertwining with my soul and growing with it. Thank you for taking root in my body and flowing through my veins. I hope that I may express you to other people; pass you on and let you help them as you helped me; to let them dance; to open up; to be free. So be free. And thank you for freeing me.


For my Russian-English dictionary. It has lent me assistance innumerable times and has allowed me to communicate with people who have now become my friends. Without it, great effort would be spend finding words and phrases. This is my little thank you to a big book.

Indoor Plumbing

For indoor plumbing. I am thankful that every time I have to go, I don't have to walk outside and find somewhere safe to relieve myself. I am thankful to have the privacy and convenience of a bathroom a few feet from my room; not only close, but shared by only one other person. This is an amenity some do not have the luxury of. Going to the bathroom is a biological necessity and indoor plumbing has made it an almost pleasurable experience. I don't have to be afraid of people seeing me or potentially dangerous animals sneaking up, nor do I have to deal with what would be an overwhelming odor from the forest, which people would be forced to use. So thank you. You make the world a cleaner place.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I am thankful for joy. I am thankful that there is happiness and that people can find it. I hope that throughout my life, I may bring joy into people's lives; that I may make their days brighter. I am hopeful that I, too, may find my joy and will never let it go. And just as I hope to find my joy, I hope others find theirs. I am thankful that so many people have already found theirs and that so many more will someday find their own. I am thankful for the opportunities to be joyful and the reasons to smile. May we all smile more often. Thank you.


I am thankful for this existence; this timeline. It provides us with every experience we have and will ever have. Without it, we've nothing. Anything we could possibly have and be thankful for exists solely because we exist. We are lucky to be able to experience anything at all. Good; bad; everything is a blessing and we must never cease to remember that this is all a gift. Thank you for rain. Thank you for sun. Thank you for calms. Thank you for storms. I want it all and I am grateful that I have it all. Thank you for everything.


I am thankful for this bed I have to sleep on. Without it, I would be on the ground. This provides a comfortable, warm, cushy surface and it is a joy to curl up on it. I dream and weave images upon it. It is a blessing and while I could survive on stone, These pillows and comforters are a luxury and I accept them humbly and with appreciation. Thank you.

This Pen

I am thankful for this pen, for without it, these pages would remain blank and my thoughts would have nowhere to go. However, I am able to apply them to this blank space with ease and this ink flows forth like blood. These messages of gratitude would not be possible without the writing implement. Because of the combination of this canvas and my paint brush, I am able to express my gratitude for life and find hidden joys that secretly lie all around me. So thank you for allowing me to uncover them.

These Pages

I am thankful for these pages. They allow me to write down my thoughts, my whims, my ideas, my lyrics, my brain. These pages allow me to clean out the garage and see what's inside; to spread everything out. Thank you for making me come face to face with what's going on inside. You cleanse me and keep me fresh. You are a handy guide to my insides; a paper miracle, without which my mind would be lost. So thank you.

Ceiling Fan

I am grateful for this fan spinning above my head. It allows me to sleep comfortably and makes it more pleasant. Without it, we would waste more energy on air conditioning. So instead of laying in my own sweat, unable to sleep, I am able to relax and enjoy the productions my mind is about to put on. Thank you.

My Speech

I am thankful that I get to spread the message of gratitude tomorrow. This is a powerful message and I am thankful to be a part of it. I hope it truly reaches some of the people, even one, and has a positive impact on them. I hope it enables them to find light when all is dark and I hope it resonates within them, shining outward. Furthermore, I hope that my own, personal convictions toward gratitude continue and that with time they only grow deeper and more firmly rooted. I hope just as I pass this message on to them, so they, too, will pass it on to others and that it continues to be passed along like a gift. Thank you for this opportunity.

My Breath

I am thankful for the air in my lungs. I am thankful to be able to inhale the air that swirls in abundance around me. It flows into my lungs and into my body. Through my veins, the oxygen travels into my fingertips, my toes. Each and every particle in my body receives this gift and reciprocates by doing its duty; by being the best particle it can be. My body thrives because of the oxygen it receives; because of my lungs; because the planet we live on is inhabited by creatures and entities that symbiotically flourish. We inhale from our atmosphere and exhale and feed our trees and flora. I could not live without the air in my lungs and my breath is a constant reminder that I am alive. So thank you earth. Thank you air. I love you and owe you my life.

Numero Uno (my body)

I have about a year's worth of gratitude on paper, so I need to play catch up. Here's to being thankful.

I am thankful for my body. I am able to move around and interact with my environment. I can go running, play soccer, play guitar, sing, walk to class, give a handshake, give a hug. My body's capabilities are endless and arise without a second's thought. I am able to respond, to talk. Simply to move is an amazing gift. And for this, I am thankful.