Sunday, March 21, 2010


Thank you for this air and these lungs that I may breathe it. Thank you for this blood and this heart that I may pump it. Thank you for this world and my eyes that I may see it. Thank you for everything in this life and my ability to participate with it. Thank you for these things and my ability to be humbled by them.

Anatomy Lessons

For the anatomy lesson today. Thank you that I may learn more about these amazingly complex bodies we have. Thank you that I have the resources available to me to learn.

Days Off

For the days ahead that I have off from work. I can recuperate and give my body the attention it's been needing, like sleep, exercise and proper eating. I'll be able to enjoy the sunny days and ponder the life ahead of me. In gratitude, good night.


I am thankful for the food I was able to eat today; for the sandwiches I could make for dinner; for the fruit I could take with me; for the eggs, the bread and the generously given salmon. I am grateful that I have any food at all and that the question is not "if" but "how much". Thank you for the food sitting in my belly, right now, and the water in my glass.

My (Healthy) Body

Everything functions and allows me live as I do. I have no serious ailments or disabilities. I am perfectly healthy and my body keeps me that way. It allows me to see others who aren't, reminding me of what I truly have. I hope to never to take that for granted. Thank you.

Making it Through Today

That I made it through my shift today without falling asleep. This really was a test. And now, after this, I am going to sleep better than I have in a while.

Catching up with Friends

Thank you for the chance to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. It really does mean a lot to have those kinds of people and it can be easy to forget that in a big city. Thank you for today. Good night.

Almond Butter

I am thankful for the delicious almond butter I got today. It's something new from peanut butter and gives my tongue something new to experience. One to the left is always best.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Run

I am thankful that I got a run in today. I've been given this miraculous body, capable of more than I'll ever know and all that it asks is that I use it. The same is true, it must be said, of my mind. I've got this unbelievable supercomputer sitting up there and I'm still running ms-dos. I need to feed it; get it running. I've got to see what this baby can do. To a healthy body and mind.

A Seat on the Subway

It's not much, but it's often the little things that add up. After all, there really are no big things; just the day to day. So thank you for allowing me to rest me feet, legs, back and body just a little. They thank you, as well.


For the rain we received today. The earth was thirsty and needed a bath. The temperature cooled and I was safely tucked away inside, staring out. The rain was relaxing. Its inconvenience, only existent if we choose to make it exist, can blind us to its simply beauty and necessity. So thank you rain. Feel free to drop by whenever you like.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Worlds

Thank you for my opportunity to delve into the world of biology and mathematics. Loss of, or simply rearrangement of, sleep is but temporary and minor compared to the journey I've set myself on. May I continue to see the infinite opportunities that present themselves everyday.

My Heart

Thank you for giving me life; for pumping vitality through my veins. I wouldn't be without you. Pump away.


I am thankful for my pimples. At first thought, they're simply disgusting and unwanted. But, in reality, they are a sign that many complex interactions are occurring and that my body is constantly working away at something and, more importantly, at my defense. So thank you. Keep strong.

Drinking Glass

For this glass to hold my water. Most often, the simplest things go unnoticed. May my mind always be open to these wonders around me.


Thank you for this fan. Like a thousand servants with palm fronds, it cools me down and allows me to fall asleep and rest. All I do is plus it in and away they go, fanning me to my content.


All the ingredients necessary to keep my teeth chewing and problem free in a convenient and easy-to-use tube. Start the day fresh, knowing you can chew and taste the natural goodness offered to you everyday.

Little Russia

Thank you for Russian. And thank you for Little Russia. The experience of a foreign culture is still possible within my own.

Being Sweaty

My body's mechanism for regulating my temperature. A little moisture is alright for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that my body is looking out for me.


For this solid ground beneath me. May I always know where I stand.

The Internet

For the internet. I am able to scour the internet for information and learn at will. Half the battle is knowing where to look.


For the ability to pursue information and learn. May I never let it go to waste.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Ability to Choose

I am thankful that I have the option of going back to school. I am thankful for the opportunity to better my life. I am thankful that no matter what, I have my breath; I have this day; I have this life. Regardless of what happens and what paths I cross, I am still alive. Thank you.


For keeping dust and other debris out of my eyes so that I may better see the world.


May I always open up to them and never stop learning from them.

Sweating and Shivering

For the act of sweating; for my body cooling itself so that it may better function. For the act of shivering; for my body warming itself up when it has to. Keep it up.

Tan Lines

They let me know my skin is hard at work, protecting me from (with) this precious environment. Tan on.

Hairy Legs

Thank you for the hair on my legs. It notifies me when their are unexpected visitors and it keeps debris from my leg. Plus, I look manlier.


Thank you for my ability to be frightened. Scare my butt back into gear. Time to crack down. Do it to it.

My Bed

Thank you for this bed. Thank you for sleep. May you restore my body so that I may more fully experience the wonders of the world.


I am thankful for the ability to get to know myself. Everyday brings something new and I am right here through it all. Long, slow hours give me the opportunity to embrace and explore my consciousness. Thank you for these opportunities. Thank you for these outcomes. Thank you for me and for me being here to figure me out.

This Day

Thank you for the opportunity to live and breathe, experiencing all that the world has to offer. Thank you.


Thank you for new opportunities. May I never cease to seize them.