I am grateful for my ability to control where my attention lies. It's an imperfect skill, but practicing is a lot of fun and it's rewarding. I've taken to working on my attention during my walks with the dog. I'll repeatedly silence my internal dialogue and internal radio as necessary and focus on the sounds that surround me: birds, crickets, frogs, cars, AC units, conversations, etc. I'll open myself up to the breeze, the sunshine, or the cloudy, refracted light that falls on me. I'll focus on my breathing or something at the core of my being. The point is to tune my awareness to what exists around and within me. To watch it. To observe it. To sit quietly with it without jumping to any conclusions.
This is meditation. I was first introduced to it in an academic setting when I enrolled in "Meditation and Virtue" as a budding philosophy major. With daily, incremental meditation homework, my ability to harness my attention and my ability to choose to remain focused despite potential distractions skyrocketed. That last phrase is carefully chosen—it's not that I "tuned out" distractions, but rather I noticed them, watched them for a moment, and willfully turned my attention back to the task at hand (this came in handy when my roommate was going through his Disney soundtrack phase and insisted on blasting it on his stereo while I worked). It's incredible what our minds are capable of when we sit with them and explore them. We are amazing creatures. Thank you mind. Thank you body. Thank you for giving me the ability to choose where I focus my energy and attention. And thank you for allowing me to practice and develop this ability. The path is usually more exciting than the destination.
(photo as it appears on: http://imperfectspirituality.com/2014/04/14/am-i-doing-it-s-meditation/)
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Few Minutes on a Porch
I am grateful for the twenty-or-so minutes I had after work waiting for my wife to arrive. I sat down on a porch, enjoyed the sunshine, and closed my eyes. Simply listening to the sounds of nature all around me and spying the sunlight through my eyelids, I dozed off for a few minutes. It was wonderful.
Monday, March 28, 2016
I am grateful for all this sunshine! After three days of nonstop rain, this is simply incredible. The plants and wildlife (including people) have woken up and life is in the air. Thank you for reigniting my photosynthesis and making the day beautiful.
(photo as it appears on: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/photo_gallery/3393443.stm)
(photo as it appears on: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/photo_gallery/3393443.stm)
Saturday, March 26, 2016
I am grateful that I get to carpool with my wife. I admit it's out of necessity, but that doesn't mean I can't be thankful for that little extra time we get to spend together before our workday starts. The ride gives us a brief moment to take a little drive, listen to music, discuss our upcoming schedules, plan dates, or just quietly enjoy each other's company.
Thank you, carpooling, for giving us this time together.
Thank you, carpooling, for giving us this time together.
Friday, March 25, 2016
(photo as it appears on: http://weknowyourdreamz.com/rain.html)
Thank you for all this rain we've had. Though I still had to go into work, an overcast, rainy day just slows everything down a little. All things urgent didn't seem so much so today and we ended up getting out a little early. Not bad.
This rain also isn't bad for our budding garden we have going. I'm sure those plants are thirsty and it's time for them to drink up and grow like there's no tomorrow.
Thank you, rain.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Old Job—New Job
I am grateful for the time I spent at my now-former job and simultaneously that this was my last day. It was a difficult and rewarding experience and now I'm ready to focus on my new responsibilities. Thank you for the challenges I was presented. Thank you for the opportunity to exercise my mind and share my passion for learning with others. Thank you for the intelligent, kind coworkers I had. And thank you for the smooth transition that will allow me to move onto what comes next. It has been a pleasure.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wow am I grateful for the amazingly supportive and actively good-natured community I live in. Our thirteen-year-old boxer went missing a couple days ago and without prompting, people living nearby began posting pictures of him on Facebook (they had no idea who he was at the time). After posting and reposting and comments about when/where he was last seen, a whole lot of good people began going out and looking for him. Mind you, it was already about 7 or 8 at night, dark, and we personally didn't know these people. Nonetheless, they put on some warm clothes, strapped on a headlamp, and went out looking when they heard this cute old dog in a sweater was lost.
(The picture of Roy someone had posted on social media)
Try as we might, we couldn't find him that first night. It was a distressing time because we had just gotten a cold snap and if he wandered away from the small residential area, there was nothing but forest and coyotes. All that night and all the next day, we and countless others searched for him, driving up and down roads, in and out of neighborhoods, checking for tracks, calling out his name and whistling...it was a manhunt.
It was going to be another cold night and I couldn't stand the thought of poor old Roy being out on his own in the woods for a second time. It was dangerous. I had just gotten home from work after dark when we got a call from my wife's mom saying she heard barking in the woods off a dirt road nearby. We raced over and were met by some good family friends ready to dive into the forest. One of the guys and I jumped in and began tearing through the dense brush that was thick with thorns, vines, and branches. Flashlight in my mouth and trying to clear the way for the guy with some lopping shears, we made our way to the barking and finally spotted our tired old dog in his dirty blue and green sweater.
When we made it back out (which was no easy task, either), there were about five or six cars parked at the bend with their lights on. Armed with flashlights and ready for a search and rescue, friends and neighbors had gathered when they heard Roy had finally been spotted. Seeing him safe and in the care of his family, there were cheers and Roy got all the pets he could handle.
It absolutely blew my mind how incredible everyone was and how willing they were to sacrifice their time and effort for our dog. Even if they were friends, it was so generous of them to drive around and call out for him unsolicited, not to mention the countless people I had never met who were just as concerned as if it had been their own dog. Thank you, thank you, thank you, community. Without you, we may not have ever found a part of our family. You banded together and showed me what it means to look after your own. What a terrifying and powerful experience. I never hope to relive it, but know that should anyone else here befall the same fate, we're here for you. Thank you.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Garden Project II
Here's number three! (Why not?) So my wife and I got the raised bed lined and filled in with soil, and I just put all our little tomato and broccoli seedlings in, gently nestling them in their new home. Hopefully they root deep and grow strong. I am grateful to participate in this journey and try to raise my own food, to reconnect with the earth and something fundamental to our existence. I am grateful for the experience I have already had and those yet to come.
Garden Project
Since I missed the last few days, I'm going to write a second one today (though I admit, for the sake of this project it's really better to do one every single day for consistency and building this habit of gratitude). Yesterday, I finally put together a raised bed for my wife and I so we can start a garden. I've had the pieces for a while and had them marked off to saw, but yesterday I got it all cut, dug in, and hammered together. It feels good to complete a project (or a crucial step in a project) and to build something with my bare hands. Plus, I got to work outside, which was nice. The next step is filling in the soil and transplanting our seedlings and then, the feast.
Thank you, garden project, for giving me something interesting to do that's outside of work and that encourages a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for putting my practical problem-solving skills to the test, as well as my hand-eye coordination.
(photo as it appears on: http://knolllandscapedesign.com/raised-bed-garden-design-miami/)
Thank you, garden project, for giving me something interesting to do that's outside of work and that encourages a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for putting my practical problem-solving skills to the test, as well as my hand-eye coordination.
(photo as it appears on: http://knolllandscapedesign.com/raised-bed-garden-design-miami/)
Sunny Day
Today, I am grateful for this sunny day. It's been a little overcast, gloomy, and rainy these past couple days, so this morning sunshine is quite nice. Thank you, sunshine, for lifting my mood and making it a beautiful day out. It really is the simple things.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
I am grateful for this new activity that has arrived into my life. This not only includes an early bike ride where I get to see the morning mist and sun filtering through the trees, but an overall more active job. I get to move around and use my hands on top of biking to and fro. I get to enjoy the physical capabilities of my body and keep my energy up. Sure, it's been a little tough in the beginning, but that's only because my body has fallen out of active habits. It's time to reshape them (and me) and start using my arms, legs, and everything else while I still have them.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
I am grateful for my wife's passion. She has a fire in her and it carries into every aspect of her life. Apathy is one of our greatest enemies, making one numb to the world around us and refuse to participate in one's very own existence. It takes courage to be passionate, to choose a side and stand up for it, to go after something with everything you have, to make yourself vulnerable in the name of something greater. My wife does all of this and more. I am forever grateful for the passion she has for her life and the passion she shares in mine. It is inspirational.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Early Wakeup
Today, I'm grateful for waking up earlier than I have been lately. There's nothing quite like the morning sun. As an added bonus, I get to take a bike ride. If this morning is a forecast, today is going to be a good day.
(photo as it appears on http://pksbikeshop.com)
(photo as it appears on http://pksbikeshop.com)
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Mind Palaces
Ironically, I don't remember if I've made a post about these, yet. But that's OK. I don't see anything wrong with extending my gratitude multiple times to the same subject. In fact, I would say that's a sign that my perspective is beginning to incorporate mindful gratitude more readily. Just because I've expressed being thankful for chairs once doesn't mean I should never be thankful for them again.
Anyways, mind palaces. I believe I first came across this concept in the recent popular (and awesome) rendition of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock). When confronted with a puzzling clue, our detective simply retreats into his mind palace where he has stored (seemingly) every fact and bit of information he has ever come across. Essentially, it's a library or filing system for the brain and, ideally, a means to a perfect memory.
(photo as it appears on http://sherlockianlandscapes.tumblr.com)
Later, I got to explore the concept further and read a first-hand account of developing and training one's mind palace in Joshua Foer's "Moonwalking with Einstein." Over the course of the book, Joshua invites the reader to actively participate and try making his or her own mind palace to memorize a shopping list of about seventeen random items. Wouldn't you know it? It totally works. I read that book three or four months ago and I still remember that list. That's totally insane! My brain was able to absorb and retain a group of random words that I have zero connection with and do so long-term. That is absolutely incredible. I recommend that everyone try it, if only to feel the true power of our minds for a moment.
It does take some effort and I've only used it a few times (once for a shopping list, and another time to memorize the top ten exports of Russia and the top ten countries to which they export—I decided I should use it for something more relevant to my interests for once). It really works and it's really amazing. I am grateful for these little mental explorations and discoveries of our own abilities. Thank you, mind palaces, for not only making memorizing fun and interesting, but for giving me practical power that I can readily apply to both my personal and professional life (should I choose to harness that power). Here's to a lifetime of expanding our architecture.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
This computer allows me to do so many things that are pretty much essential in this modern life. Most professional and informal contact is conducted by email (or Facebook). I monitor, make adjustments, and control my bank accounts online. I pay many of my bills via the web. My computer helps me keep my translations accurate, organized, and quick. I can research future expenses and products to make sure I'm making the best decision. I use internet learning tools to expand my knowledge and skills. I can buy books, clothes, and replacement toothbrush heads. I can record and mix music (though to be fair, I haven't in a while). This list would go on far to long if I was to sit and write out every single advantage this computer gives me. Honestly, I probably couldn't think of every one.
The point is, this machine is powerful and enables important, everyday functions in my life. Of course I could live without it and be just fine. But would I be able to compete with translators who can turn a project around several times faster than me because I'm stuck using a paper dictionary and writing everything out by hand? Nope. I would probably get very little work because no one would be willing to wait not only for the slower translation time, but for actually receiving the finished product via snail mail (many clients live halfway across the world). This thing makes things much more efficient. And who am I kidding. A few silly cat pictures never hurt anybody, either.
So thank you, computer, for guiding me through life in the 21st century. May you continue to be a tool for good and help me lead a more flourishing life.
The point is, this machine is powerful and enables important, everyday functions in my life. Of course I could live without it and be just fine. But would I be able to compete with translators who can turn a project around several times faster than me because I'm stuck using a paper dictionary and writing everything out by hand? Nope. I would probably get very little work because no one would be willing to wait not only for the slower translation time, but for actually receiving the finished product via snail mail (many clients live halfway across the world). This thing makes things much more efficient. And who am I kidding. A few silly cat pictures never hurt anybody, either.
So thank you, computer, for guiding me through life in the 21st century. May you continue to be a tool for good and help me lead a more flourishing life.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
It is a beautiful day today. Warm, sunny, no clouds, and a strong breeze. I was walking my dog earlier and I couldn't help but stop and listen to the wind swirling and blowing through the trees, bending them and tousling their long pine needles. I thought to myself that this mundane occurrence is the result of earth's bountiful and magnificent atmosphere—the very one that made life on this planet possible and sustains it to this very day.
That's not just wind blowing about, that's life force. Most of us don't struggle to find enough oxygen to breathe—it's simply everywhere! I don't have to worry whether or not I'll have enough once I set foot out my door or whether I have to order more from the utility company to supply the house (cue sci-fi/dystopian story plot). I step outside and breathe deep, taking in the sunshine and blue skies. Earth is an incredible planet.
Thank you, earth, for giving us the oxygen we need and for making it so enjoyable for it to flow through our hair and fingertips.
That's not just wind blowing about, that's life force. Most of us don't struggle to find enough oxygen to breathe—it's simply everywhere! I don't have to worry whether or not I'll have enough once I set foot out my door or whether I have to order more from the utility company to supply the house (cue sci-fi/dystopian story plot). I step outside and breathe deep, taking in the sunshine and blue skies. Earth is an incredible planet.
Thank you, earth, for giving us the oxygen we need and for making it so enjoyable for it to flow through our hair and fingertips.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Water—Beautiful, Beautiful Water
Today, my wife and I (and our old boxer) went for a little hike in the Florida forests. And sand. There was lots of sand. But that's Florida for you. It wasn't an especially grueling hike, but the sun was out and it was relatively warm for the season. Unfortunately, we didn't bring all that much water. We brought one bottle, but it wasn't much between the three of us. Pretty soon, we were at the halfway point and out of water.
Like I said, it was nothing grueling and it wasn't all that long of a hike, but it made me acutely aware of how much my body needs water and how much I take it for granted. I walk over to the kitchen sink, turn on the faucet, and clean drinking water comes pouring out whenever I please. Same goes for the bathroom sink. Heck, I could even drink the water that comes out of the shower head. I literally bathe myself in drinking water while some people would kill for a weekly ration. It truly is amazing how much I have been afforded in this life. And that's largely what this journey is about—realizing just how much I have and how much I have to be grateful for.
(Cup of cold water, Gunnar Pippel / Shutterstock.com)
So as I sit here, glass of clean water by my side, I am grateful for the access I have—and the access my family and friends have—to this incredible chemical concoction that is H2O. Thank you for nourishing my body and mind and for allowing my cells and organs to do what they need to to keep me going. It pains me to think of others who do not have this access and whose bodies nonetheless require the same H2O that mine does. I hope someday we can come up with a creative and practical solution to the issue of having universally-available clean drinking water. This is a fundamental human need and no one deserves to go through life unsure of whether or not she or he will have enough of it.
Like I said, it was nothing grueling and it wasn't all that long of a hike, but it made me acutely aware of how much my body needs water and how much I take it for granted. I walk over to the kitchen sink, turn on the faucet, and clean drinking water comes pouring out whenever I please. Same goes for the bathroom sink. Heck, I could even drink the water that comes out of the shower head. I literally bathe myself in drinking water while some people would kill for a weekly ration. It truly is amazing how much I have been afforded in this life. And that's largely what this journey is about—realizing just how much I have and how much I have to be grateful for.
(Cup of cold water, Gunnar Pippel / Shutterstock.com)
So as I sit here, glass of clean water by my side, I am grateful for the access I have—and the access my family and friends have—to this incredible chemical concoction that is H2O. Thank you for nourishing my body and mind and for allowing my cells and organs to do what they need to to keep me going. It pains me to think of others who do not have this access and whose bodies nonetheless require the same H2O that mine does. I hope someday we can come up with a creative and practical solution to the issue of having universally-available clean drinking water. This is a fundamental human need and no one deserves to go through life unsure of whether or not she or he will have enough of it.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
(photo as it appears on http://geb.ebay.in/g/ImportHubViewItem?itemid=191454821584)
I am grateful for this old RadioShack calculator that I just picked up from my wife's parents. They're going through all of their belonging so they can hold a massive garage sale and I happened upon this little guy the other day. It's nothing fancy, i.e. no graphing function, but it is a scientific calculator nonetheless. This means its going to come in handy as I go through this calculus textbook (finally, a solid calculus textbook!) that I got from a Goodwill not too long ago (which I'm also grateful for). Two solid finds that will enable my intellectual self-exploration. Thanks to both of you.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Vanilla Chai
Right now, I am grateful for this incredibly delicious-smelling cup of vanilla chai that's sitting next to me. It's still brewing and I'm looking forward to that first sip. The warmth from hot tea is always revitalizing and it's a great way to start the day.
(photo as it appears on: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/370421138072237497/)
I'm not sure who grew the tea leaves or vanilla beans, or who harvested them, who drove the trucks that transported them to be dried, who packaged them into those little filter bags or stapled the paper tags to the string, who organized them into boxes and who shipped those boxes across the world, but thank you. My morning is more pleasant because of the hard work you do.
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