Since I missed the last few days, I'm going to write a second one today (though I admit, for the sake of this project it's really better to do one every single day for consistency and building this habit of gratitude). Yesterday, I finally put together a raised bed for my wife and I so we can start a garden. I've had the pieces for a while and had them marked off to saw, but yesterday I got it all cut, dug in, and hammered together. It feels good to complete a project (or a crucial step in a project) and to build something with my bare hands. Plus, I got to work outside, which was nice. The next step is filling in the soil and transplanting our seedlings and then, the feast.
Thank you, garden project, for giving me something interesting to do that's outside of work and that encourages a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for putting my practical problem-solving skills to the test, as well as my hand-eye coordination.

(photo as it appears on:
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