Thursday, December 31, 2015

Black Tea

Getting up early isn't always easy. My brain is foggy from being forced out of my dream state, my body wants nothing more than to continue resting, and, often, the sun isn't even up yet. In addition to some light exercise and taking some time for myself before jumping into my current translation project, having a hot cup of black tea helps take the edge (of sleepiness) off. Not only is its warmth incredibly soothing, but its modest amount of caffeine is just right so that later on in the morning when I have a cup of coffee I don't go soaring over the edge.

Thank you tea growers, wherever you may be. Thank you for taking care of these plants so that they may grow properly and healthily. Thank you tea harvesters and preparers. Thank you for gathering the bounty of these plants and getting it in a form that is ready to be placed in my cup with some hot water. And thank you, tea, for helping my day go just a little better.

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