Thursday, January 7, 2016

This Vest

When I decided to go back to school for a Master's, I didn't know I would end up back in Wisconsin. But I did. If you don't know, it gets cold there. Like -40F (with windchill). Needless to say, my Florida wardrobe needed an update and eventually I ended up getting a nice, cozy down vest (along with some down slippers). Let me tell you, this thing is warm. It has actually, as of late, taken the place of my fleece, which I used to always wear without hesitation (you don't ever try to separate a Vermonter from his fleece). But alas, the vest is windproof and ends up keeping me warmer, even if I'm just inside working on the computer.

So thank you, down vest. Thank you, internet website from which you came. Thank you, delivery and packaging people. Thank you, manufacturers, for putting all the stitches in the right places. Thank you, geese, for this incredible biotechnology you've lent us. We've much to learn from you.

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