Friday, April 15, 2016


I am grateful for my wife's willingness to be open, honest, and real. We all display only a fraction of who we are and what we're feeling at any given time, which is OK. It would be totally inappropriate for me to bring my personal issues into the workplace. But even in the right context, being emotionally vulnerable and open is a difficult, scary thing. It takes courage. It takes trust. And I am so grateful that my wife is brave enough to share her internal world with me and that she feels comfortable enough with me to do so.

I know I frequently fall short here, opting instead to hide my emotions out of what is, ultimately, cowardice. I often feel uncomfortable and vulnerable expressing that side of me and having the chance to witness my wife taking that leap of faith makes me want to stand up to this fear and take the plunge with her. Being open and honest is a habit, however, so all I can do is seize the opportunity when it presents itself and do so every time.

How I do anything is how I do everything.

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