Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tiny Home

It was the real deal. On Friday, my wife and I (and her parents) brought back our first home. And it wasn't just any home, mind you, but a Tiny Home! We are super excited. It's in fantastic condition and, really, the only modifications we need to make are aesthetic. It's going to take a while for us to transition into that tiny space, but yesterday I dropped a couple things off and couldn't help but smile and imagine what's to come.

(This is pretty much it! Photo as it appears on:

Thank you, Tiny Home, for being the real deal and giving my wife and I the house we've been dreaming of. Thank you, seller, for being a cool guy and allowing us to start our journey of tiny home ownership. And thank you, friends and family, who pulled together and made this possible. Without you, we would have only been able to look at the pretty pictures online and be forced to move on. Let's get tiny.

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