Saturday, August 22, 2009


For music. You get me high. You take me places nothing else can. Through music, I can express myself in sadness, joy, anger, redemption, playfulness, eagerness, anything. It is an unlimited resource. Music creates me. I can only hope to get to know it better. I can only hope to keep it close to my heart and let it merge with me. Music is the fundamental moving force. We are music. The trees are music. The sun is music. I am music. Every cell is music. Every atom in our bodies and every atom in the universe is music. A world without music is not necessarily colorless, for we live on a magnificent planet, but a facet of existence would be gone. Thank you, music, for getting me through tough times. Thank you for giving me hope when nothing else could. Thank you for intertwining with my soul and growing with it. Thank you for taking root in my body and flowing through my veins. I hope that I may express you to other people; pass you on and let you help them as you helped me; to let them dance; to open up; to be free. So be free. And thank you for freeing me.

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