Thursday, February 11, 2016

Not Wanting To Wake Up

Oddly enough, I am grateful for not wanting to wake up this morning when my alarm went off. Why, you ask? Because before I was even out of bed, I had a challenge I could overcome. Even in my sleepy haze, I saw this as an opportunity to accomplish something. And so I did.

I think these types of challenges are personally more valuable than any others we come across. When I'm assigned a task by someone else, it may or may not actually be challenging; it's just something I have to complete. But here, I was brought face to face with my own will. Will I rise up and defy my body's craving for more sleep? Or will I simply turn off the alarm and lay my head back down? How I answer this is how I answer everything.

Today, I said, "Rise up," not only because there are much more important things I want to accomplish other than sleeping, but also because getting up is a testament to the fact that I am in control; that what I do is a result solely of my will and that I will be overcome by no external force.

So thank you, desire to keep sleeping, for giving me the opportunity to prove myself this morning. Not even up an hour and already I've accomplished so much.

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